The Padmaraj Ariga Bharatesh College of Business Administration opened its doors to management education way back in 1996, and then evolved and expanded slowly to become one of the cornerstones of under-graduate managerial education, in North Karnataka, as it evolved it developed the three great pillars of management: education, applied research and outreach.
The first pillar embraced educational seminars, presentations and programs to groom undergraduates to take up challenges, even MBA’s were no competition for our students. The second pillar embraced were special and specific areas of interest- marketing and branding, financial management, warehousing, and so on. Students were coaxed to go beyond the university syllabus, the returns were astounding! Our students went on to become Managing Directors and entrepreneurs. The third pillar included- inter-college fests, forums, debates with other like-minded colleges, Intra college fest, and national level fests. The exposure students got, led them to the understanding of event management, fiscal control, scheduling, and son on!