The new academic year brings forth new aspirations. The desires to learn new, burn in your hearts till you arrive at the fountain of education. Today, a learner is bewildered at the wide choice of institutions and courses available to him, but the foot set in the right direction can orient you towards your goals.
Welcome to BHARATESH BBA the oldest BBA College in Belgaum, we take care to inculcate the values of Excellence & Ethics amongst our students while shaping and sharpening their mindsets by bringing in the academic rigor in our programs offered. Due emphasis is placed on exposing our students to real-life situations of the corporate world and facilitating interaction with the best minds in the industry and with those who have achieved their missions with strong ethical undertones.
We aim at developing the rare sprit in our student’s personality so that they learn to spot opportunities, mobilize resources and develop innovative solutions to the critical problems of today. We have succeeded in providing a transformational experience to our students who are expected to maintain the highest standard of integrity, and professional commitment.

Dr. Prashant Kamble
We understand the host challenges that are in store for our students. Our mission is to support them in meeting the challenges they face, and to help them reach their goals. We believe that it is critical to teach students to apply what they learn, and offer sufficient opportunities to each student to discover and understand themselves, to make their lives fulfilling and complete. Our dedicated teachers and administrative staff are second to none, and encourage students to use their judgment in applying their knowledge to given problems.
Our College has been a hub of many activities of innovation, excellence and achievements both by students and staff. I welcome all students to take advantage of the avenues provided by BHARATESH BBA and involve yourselves to grow in strength of heart, mind and body, towards complete development
Pick up your pestle, and paint the master pieces of your life @ Bharatesh BBA